
Guest Napkin: Richard Rushfield

Richard is a cultural thinker who shares his enormous thoughts at

Special Guest Napkin: Rose Abdoo

Rose recurs on the hit ABC Family show “Bunheads.” 

Guest Napkin: Maryellen Hooper

Maryellen is an extra-talented comic and mom. Go revel in the wonderfulness that is Hooper:

Guest Napkin: Suzy Nakamura

Suzy is an actress and her roommate, Gideon, is a cat. This is her website:

Guest Napkin: Michael Orland

Michael is the Pianist, Arranger and Associate Musical Director for American Idol. He is also an exceedingly wonderful man who is currently working on a solo piano album.

Guest Napkin: Jeff Cesario

Jeff is a comedian, Emmy-winning writer/producer and a die hard Badger fan. Now go get some more Cesario at:

Guest Napkin: Frank Conniff

TV’s Frank writes, produces and stars in “Cartoon Dump,” a monthly stage show in Los Angeles, and is currently touring the country with his old MST3K cronies in “Cinematic Titanic,” a live stage show and DVD series.  Go to the sites and the shows!

Guest Napkin: Jordan Black

 Jordan is an actor and writer who created The Black Version. If you don’t live in Los Angeles you need to get on a helicopter and see it at Largo at the Corenet immediately.