
Guest Napkin: Spike Feresten

Spike is a writer/talk show host.

Guest Napkin: David Adler

David is currently feeding his creative OCD by posting daily to his comic blog AN AXE LENGTH AWAY (  A lapsed screenwriter, he considers his story credit on an episode of SILK STALKINGS to be the culmination of his creative struggles. He lives in the Bay Area with his wife, son, dog, and several demons.

Here’s All of Them

Bring a Napkin to Life: Bill Wilbur

Bill was born, as many of us were, a small child. The hospital was in Connecticut and so were his parents, so that made it convenient. Each day he grew a day older. He is now an author and photographer. His first book, SARAGOSA has been picked up by a studio for production, and he gets to go to baseball games for his day job as a photographer for the Los Angeles Angels.

Bring a Napkin to Life: Ken Daly

Ken is a writer, actor and the greatest person ever. If you want to listen to him talk… tune in weekly to the “Nerd Poker” podcast.

Crafty Matta Napkin: Mary Pons Abdoo

Mary is a Dominican born 86 year-old artist and seamstress who lives in Michigan. This pillow was created with a cotton textile of Matta Napkin print. Mary is proud to call the Matta Napkin creator her son-in-law. Matta is proud to call her “Ponsy” a name she tolerates.

Rose Abdoo

Guest Napkin: Brian Palermo

Palermo is a delightful yet masculine comedic actor living the dream in Southern Cal. He pops up in shows and commercials from time to time. Catch him live every Wednesday night in “The Crazy Uncle Joe Show” at The Groundlings Theater in L.A. Follow him immediately on Twitter @BrianPalermo.

Bring a Matta Napkin to Life: Charlie Blondell

Now why aren’t you doing one? It couldn’t be easier… pick one to breathe some life into… take a picture of your recreation and e-mail it to:
I’ll send a hand drawn Matta Napkin to the three entries with the most votes.
Hope to see you soon on the site.
PS. Here are yesterday’s stats:

Bring a Matta Napkin to Life is not limited to the continental United States. It has no boarders… as long as your country has napkins you are eligible. Philippines I’m counting on you.

PPS. Charlie works at crowd-sourcing film distributor Gathr Films. Check out the buzz at

Guest Napkins: GW Duncanson

GW Duncanson is a visual artist, musician and filmmaker. 

Please follow his tumblr blog CASH-MONEY-CARTOONS because it’s updated with interestingly varied content in the form of new visual art most every day. 

Also please take the time check out one of his musical endeavours HERE 

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