
Guest Napkin: Nick Vardalos

Nick is the owner of Cafe Bido in Australia. His magazine “Smut Mag Featuring Cars N’ Stuff” will be going to print soon. Join the fan site:

Guest Napkin: Suzy Nakamura

If you’re not in the Suzy Nakamura business…. you need to get in the Suzy Nakamura business! Go to her site and look at everything she’s done twice.

Napkin #33

The following article first appeared in the Fur Commission Crime Log, December 9, 1963 and is reproduced with the commission’s permission.
Mount Angel Oregon: The largest act of eco-terrorism ended on a disastrous note with the release of 10,000 minks from a local breeder’s ranch. The tragic incident occurred earlier this morning when the herd regrettably came head-to-head with the Mount Angel Mink Eaters Society Pancake Breakfast. Ed Lawler a representative for the Mink Eaters, said through a fur covered smile, “Other than the birth of my son, it was the greatest day of my life.” 

Napkin #5

Napkin #1