Holiday Guest Napkin #4: Karl Herlinger
/in comic /by MattaKarl is from Kailua, Hawai’i. He has traveled to Russia, Poland, Taiwan and Baltimore with TICM Dance/Theater Company, teaching and performing acting to dancers. He is a professional level ventriloquist. He studied/performed Russian clowning with Slava Polunin in Slava’s Snowshow Off-Broadway. He has 2 children with the love of his life. Karl’s been on both the original and the reboot of Hawaii 50 (different role though). Follow him at and @regnilreh.
Holiday Guest Napkin #2: Gary Selinger
/in comic /by MattaGary is a Market Researcher by trade and gets his creative kicks through telling stories with data, endless puns, and witty Facebook posts. He also writes great punchlines for sitcom dialogue a split-second before the exact same line is heard on TV. Gary’s film career is limited to a never-released (as far as he knows) Matta production in 1982.
Guest Napkin: Kevin Smith
/in comic /by MattaKevin Smith is an illustrator and vinyl toy artist living in Los Angeles. He did not direct Clerks. You can follow him on instagram @kevzillatar, and follow his toy making page @sea_demon_vinyl.
Guest Napkin: Deborah Wilson Hudson
/in comic /by MattaDeborah lives with her son and very fat cat in an area where the most exciting day of the year (seriously) involves a festival for racing caterpillars. As a night nurse, she mostly draws whatever silliness pops into her sleep deprived brain at 3AM.
Guest Napkin: Bryan Kett
/in comic /by MattaBryan is a featured storyteller on KCRW’s UNFICTIONAL, and his pilot, FERAL, beat out thousands of other scripts to be named best original teleplay in the 2016 Slamdance Screenplay Competition Follow him immediately @brynkett
Guest Napkin: Brian Zydiak
/in comic /by MattaBrian is a very responsible family man with an impressive 30-year career in the telecom industry. His kids have never been prouder.
Guest Napkin: COHN
/in comic /by MattaCOHN, a feral child raised by furniture, has self-published three imaginary books under a pseudonym that he cannot remember. He is a master Googler and would do really well on Jeopardy if not for the big rush to come up with answers. Unlike his mentor John Matta, he only knows one or two uses for napkins; sadly, his previous 300 attempts at cartoons were ruined by various sauces and spills.
Guest Napkin: Katie Klimacek
/in comic /by MattaGuest Napkin: Bailey Antzis
/in comic /by MattaBailey is 9. He lives in Canada. Check him out on Vimeo: Kid Stand-Up