
Napkin #1416

Napkin #1415

Napkin #1414

Napkin #1413

Holiday Guest Napkin #7 Nina Levy

Nina is my favorite napkin artist.

She is also a tremendously talented sculpture and photographer.

Check out her work it’s ridiculously impressive.
Daily Napkins

Holiday Guest Napkin #6: Deborah Wilson Hudson

Deborah lives with her son and very fat cat in an area where the most exciting day of the year (seriously) involves a festival for racing caterpillars. As a night nurse, she mostly draws whatever silliness pops into her sleep deprived brain at 3AM.

Holiday Guest Napkin #5: June Branch Ciccone

Holiday Guest Napkin #3: Tom Weeter

Tom is the oldest person in his house. He lives in Pennsylvania with his beautiful wife, two beautiful daughters and a small dog named Charlie.  He likes writing and finds revisiting older movies he grew up loving to be occasionally troublesome. You may follow him on instagram @nottomweet, to see pictures of Charlie.

Napkin #1412

Guest Napkin: Bailey Antzis

Bailey is 9. He lives in Canada. Check him out on Vimeo: Kid Stand-Up