Napkin #1431
/in comic /by MattaNapkin #1311
/in comic /by MattaEaster Guest Napkin: Brent Pendergrass
/in comic /by Matta Brent is a professional voice actor… listen for his sweet-sweet voice on Yo-Kai Watch and Space Raiders. Originally from San Diego he is also an unashamed fast food enthusiast. Everyone should follow this dear man on Twitter @BrentPndrgrs.
Matta Mouth-kin #1
/in Video /by MattaThe Third Film by Matta Napkin
/in comic /by MattaNapkin #972
/in comic /by MattaDave’s Learning to Animate Napkins #3
/in comic /by MattaDave Rygalski has an old version of After Effect C S2 and is not afraid to use it.