Napkin #990

Guest Napkin: Gary Rudoren

Gary does a few things like writing, directing and architecting. He is an alumni of The Annoyance Theater where did a lot of stuff. He also co-wrote the McSweeneys humor bible “Comedy By The Numbers” and currently lives in Jerusalem, thus, this napkin. He also submitted part of his architectural school thesis with napkin drawings. 

You can read some of him at:

Napkin #989

Napkin #988

Napkin #987

Napkin #986

Guest Napkin: Beth Jorgensen

Beth is  a wonderful artist who typically works in oils and watercolors with the occasional doodle thrown into the mix. Hurry to her site and check out some more wonderfulness.

Napkin #985

Napkin #984

The Third Film by Matta Napkin