Guest Napkin: Katie Klimacek
/in comic /by Matta
Katie enjoys bringing her dry, sarcastic, seemingly unfunny sense of humor to her artwork. She doodles are often accompanied by her signature #meaninglessquotes. When she’s not scribbiling away, Katie is DP and editor for her friend’s webseries Feminist Icons (@feminist_icons) or doing standup around chitown. For more fun and art by Katie Klimacek, you can follow her on Instagram @crazykatiearts or Twitter @ehhlifechoices.
Napkin #1336
/in comic /by MattaNapkin #1335
/in comic, Video /by MattaNapkin #1334
/in comic /by MattaGuest Napkin: Bailey Antzis
/in comic /by MattaBailey is 9. He lives in Canada. Check him out on Vimeo: Kid Stand-Up