Guest Napkin: Giddy Girlie

Giddy Girlie was born in a hospital, then lived in a house. She continues to enjoy indoor living and modern plumbing and climate control. When feeling particularly refreshed, she likes to make things. She paints, she embroiders, she crochets, she sculpts, and she can even decorate a cake.

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Guest Napkins: GW Duncanson

GW Duncanson is a visual artist, musician and filmmaker. 

Please follow his tumblr blog CASH-MONEY-CARTOONS because it’s updated with interestingly varied content in the form of new visual art most every day. 

Also please take the time check out one of his musical endeavours HERE 

For further information, business or pleasure THIS link will enable you to “start a dialog”.

Napkin #550

Napkin #549

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