Entries by Matta

Guest Napkin: Bryan Kett

Bryan is a featured storyteller on KCRW’s UNFICTIONAL, and his pilot, FERAL, beat out thousands of other scripts to be named best original teleplay in the 2016 Slamdance Screenplay Competition Follow him immediately @brynkett

Guest Napkin: Brian Zydiak

Brian is a very responsible family man with an impressive 30-year career in the telecom industry. His kids have never been prouder.

Guest Napkin: COHN

COHN, a feral child raised by furniture, has self-published three imaginary books under a pseudonym that he cannot remember. He is a master Googler and would do really well on Jeopardy if not for the big rush to come up with answers. Unlike his mentor John Matta, he only knows one or two uses for napkins; sadly, his previous 300 […]