Entries by Matta

Guest Napkin: Chris Mancini

Chris Mancini has written, directed and produced on everything from soap operas to parenting books to horror films, which are all more closely related than you think. His feature films include Asylum from Lionsgate Films and Ear Buds: The Podcasting Documentary from Comedy Dynamics. Award-winning short films include SKINS, Hitclown, and Rainbow’s End. Chris has screened films and spoken at various prestigious festivals and […]

Special Guest Thanksgiving Napkin: Karl Herlinger

Karl is from Kailua, Hawai’i. He has traveled to Russia, Poland, Taiwan and Baltimore with TICM Dance/Theater Company, teaching and performing acting to dancers. He is a professional level ventriloquist. He studied/performed Russian clowning with Slava Polunin in Slava’s Snowshow Off Broadway. He has 2 children with the love of his life. Karl’s been on […]