Entries by Matta

Bring a Matta Napkin to Life: Charlie Blondell

Now why aren’t you doing one? It couldn’t be easier… pick one to breathe some life into… take a picture of your recreation and e-mail it to: mattainc@gmail.com. I’ll send a hand drawn Matta Napkin to the three entries with the most votes. Hope to see you soon on the site. Matta PS. Here are yesterday’s […]

Guest Napkin: Giddy Girlie

Giddy Girlie was born in a hospital, then lived in a house. She continues to enjoy indoor living and modern plumbing and climate control. When feeling particularly refreshed, she likes to make things. She paints, she embroiders, she crochets, she sculpts, and she can even decorate a cake. www.giddygirlie.com