
Special Guest Thanksgiving Napkin: Karl Herlinger

Karl is from Kailua, Hawai’i. He has traveled to Russia, Poland, Taiwan and Baltimore with TICM Dance/Theater Company, teaching and performing acting to dancers. He is a professional level ventriloquist. He studied/performed Russian clowning with Slava Polunin in Slava’s Snowshow Off Broadway. He has 2 children with the love of his life. Karl’s been on both the original and the reboot of Hawaii 50 (different role though). Follow him at and @regnilreh.

Annnnd check out this cool article:

Napkin #1472

Napkin #1471

Napkin #1402

Napkin #1324

Napkin #1323

Napkin #1322

Napkin #1321

Napkin #1320

Guest Thanksgiving Napkin: Dave Rygalski

Dave is working on a lot of really important stuff. He can’t get into details right now, just believe him.